Over 270,000 unsolved murders were recorded in the United States in 2020. In Texas alone, there were around 20,072 of them. The Office of the Attorney General of Texas established the Cold Case and Missing Persons Unit in March of this year to help law enforcement agencies throughout the state solve their cold cases. Crime Scene Unsolved Murders Dallas TX
They assist with, (where applicable), prosecuting investigations into unresolved crimes such as murder or missing persons cases as well as any other issues related to human identification or forensic genealogy which may arise during this process!
Missing persons
The Texas Center For The Missing was founded by a mother who having searched for and tragically lost her child recognized the need for a place where individuals could support families in navigating each day. Our commitment lies in our origins; we strive to protect those who have gone missing and their loved ones throughout every step of the search process and eventual reunion. This platform is a tribute to all those who bring hope through their steadfast bravery in seeking answers.. Above all it is, for anyone endeavoring to find their path home.
What to Know About Cadaver Dogs
Cadaver dogs are trained to detect the smell of human bodies (this is why you will sometimes hear them referred to as human-remains detection dogs).
Their job may seem similar to that of search and rescue dogs, but cadaver dogs serve a different function. Where the latter can pick up on any human scent in general, these animals specialize in picking up decomposed flesh. A trained cadaver dog can detect human decomposition scents with an accuracy rate of 95 percent even if the body is buried as deep as 15 feet below ground level.
When law enforcement agencies suspect there has been foul play involving a deceased person, they often bring in cadaver dogs to aid investigations. Aside from providing additional court-admissible proof, this method also offers closure which could have been lacking when someone went missing presumed dead without any official confirmation thereof. Since humans still need saving whether alive or lifeless, search and rescue teams frequently employ both types of canines – those trained for finding people who are missing but alive, as well as those trained for locating dead bodies.